Emotional Intelligence & Conflict Resolution

Duration: 2 Days

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Conflict Resolution objectives (1 Day Interactive Workshop)

Many people see conflict as a negative experience, yet we deal with conflict all the time and at different levels of intensity.  Our approaches can be reactive rather than proactive, which results in an issue going away, but reappearing at a later date, involving more stakeholders and requiring more time to investigate, manage and resolve.

Developing a proactive approach to conflict provides confidence and self-awareness in handling situations and a structured approach allows an individual to handle, manage and resolve the issues throughout the conflict life cycle.  The alternative is not dealing with conflict in a timely manner, which results in excessive time and energy being taken up.

This course will give participants the tools that will help you identify the root causes of conflict and techniques for resolving the issues to long term solutions.

Course Content

Define Conflict and its Sources

• Explore assumptions about conflict and the positives and negatives of conflict
• Explore approaches to conflict and the pros and cons of a reactive to a proactive stance

Types of Conflict

• Investigate the spectrum of conflict Three main types of conflict:
• Inner – Understanding the differences individuals have that causes conflict
• Interpersonal – Dealing with differences individuals: Culture, personality, generational
Group – Caused by differing goals, role ambiguity, not identifying the bigger picture

Open Conflict vs. Hidden Conflict

There are two ways of dealing with conflict. We can be open and up front about it or we can keep it hidden and let it smolder inside us.

Stages of Conflict

• Assessing the impact of the five stages of conflict and positive impacts that can be made to address the conflict
• Latent conflict: At this stage, the foundation for conflict exists but has not been openly expressed or acknowledged by either side
• Perceived conflict: The cause of the conflict is recognized
• Felt conflict: Tension builds at this stage
• Manifest conflict: the tension manifests in more visible outcomes
• Conflict aftermath: The steps that lead to immediate conflict resolution but it may appear again, if root causes are not addressed

Conflict Outcomes

Identifying the four outcomes of conflict resolution and strategies for addressing each outcome: Lose-Lose; Win-Lose; Lose-Win; Win-Win

Conflict Resolution objectives (1 Day Interactive Workshop)

Many people see conflict as a negative experience, yet we deal with conflict all the time and at different levels of intensity.  Our approaches can be reactive rather than proactive, which results in an issue going away, but reappearing at a later date, involving more stakeholders and requiring more time to investigate, manage and resolve.

Developing a proactive approach to conflict provides confidence and self-awareness in handling situations and a structured approach allows an individual to handle, manage and resolve the issues throughout the conflict life cycle.  The alternative is not dealing with conflict in a timely manner, which results in excessive time and energy being taken up.

This course will give participants the tools that will help you identify the root causes of conflict and techniques for resolving the issues to long term solutions.

Course Content

Define Conflict and its Sources

• Explore assumptions about conflict and the positives and negatives of conflict
• Explore approaches to conflict and the pros and cons of a reactive to a proactive stance

Types of Conflict

• Investigate the spectrum of conflict Three main types of conflict:
• Inner – Understanding the differences individuals have that causes conflict
• Interpersonal – Dealing with differences individuals: Culture, personality, generational
Group – Caused by differing goals, role ambiguity, not identifying the bigger picture

Open Conflict vs. Hidden Conflict

There are two ways of dealing with conflict. We can be open and up front about it or we can keep it hidden and let it smolder inside us.

Stages of Conflict

• Assessing the impact of the five stages of conflict and positive impacts that can be made to address the conflict
• Latent conflict: At this stage, the foundation for conflict exists but has not been openly expressed or acknowledged by either side
• Perceived conflict: The cause of the conflict is recognized
• Felt conflict: Tension builds at this stage
• Manifest conflict: the tension manifests in more visible outcomes
• Conflict aftermath: The steps that lead to immediate conflict resolution but it may appear again, if root causes are not addressed

Conflict Outcomes

Identifying the four outcomes of conflict resolution and strategies for addressing each outcome: Lose-Lose; Win-Lose; Lose-Win; Win-Win

Conflict Resolution Style Questionnaire

• Undertaking an assessment to identify individual approaches to conflict resolution
• Assessing the pros and cons of each approach
• Using the results to identify approaches of others and how to focus on mutual win-wins

Conflict and Its Resolution

Formalizing a stage by stage approach to conflict resolution, providing a framework to apply back in the workplace:
• Identify the problem
• Identify the common goal
• Assess the needs
• Explore all assumptions
• Brainstorm outcomes and select an option

Conflict Within Teams

• Assessing the impact of conflict within teams
• Looking at the Tuckman model and the conflict that can arise at each stage

You will receive a full set of course notes
and all supporting materials for your course.

Hard Copy Delivered to your premises or Downloaded to a chosen device.

To book this course please call 
+44 (0) 1444 410296 or email Info@kplknowledge.co.uk